What are the Everjump alternatives?
14/09/2022 by Julian Fuchs
Everjump has reinvented rope skipping. Fitness enthusiasts can use the weighted skipping ropes to specifically train their strength and endurance and burn fat at the same time. But what Everjump alternatives are there and do they perform just as well in the training test?
Today we'll tell you whether jogging, walking, swimming or a visit to the gym is a good alternative to Everjump.
Why do we even need an Everjump alternative?
Everjump is aimed at both beginners and advanced users - anyone of any training level can get started. Enthusiastic Everjump fans particularly emphasize the effective training and ease of use. But why is there even a need for an Everjump alternative? There can be many reasons for this. Some people simply like the variety - they want to do other sports besides rope skipping. Others are simply not yet convinced by the intensive training with the rope - we want to change that today. We compare different sports and check whether they are an Everjump alternative that can keep up with rope sports.
1. Everjump alternative: jogging
Jogging is one of the most popular endurance sports. The advantage is that athletes can choose their own routes and gradually increase their training level. If you jog alone, however, you need to have a certain level of motivation - unlike skipping rope, there is no playful incentive. If you train with the Everjump skipping rope, you have the opportunity to add a lot of variety to your training. Cross arms and speed steps are just a few examples. In terms of calorie consumption, skipping rope beats the Everjump alternative. Jogging burns 350 calories in 30 minutes - in the same time, the Everjump skipping rope burns 500 calories.
2. Everjump alternative: swimming
When you swim, you can train your whole body and do something for your stamina. If you want to do it even more athletically, you can attend special aqua courses. Here, however, you only burn around 160 calories in 30 minutes, which is significantly less than when skipping rope. You also have to pull yourself together after work and drive to the swimming pool. Flexible training looks different. With the Everjump skipping ropes, you are independent - you can use them anywhere and decide your training time yourself.
3. Everjump alternative: gym
There is a wide range of equipment available in the gym. Some of them help you work on your endurance, others on your strength. Here, too, you have to motivate yourself after work and stick to the opening times. Most athletes plan at least two hours for a visit to the gym, as they do a mixture of strength and endurance training. With the Everjump skipping ropes, you save time, because you can burn calories and build endurance and strength at the same time. And you don't have to stick to any opening times. By the way: 30 minutes of strength training burns around 250 calories, the same time on the cross trainer burns another 250 calories. In an hour, 500 calories melt away - with the Everjump skipping rope, you can achieve this calorie deficit in just 30 minutes.
4. Everjump alternative: ball sports
Whether it's basketball, football, handball or volleyball - team sports strengthen team spirit and make you sweat. Even if you give it your all, you only burn around 300 calories per 30-minute workout. As a reminder: 30 minutes of training with the Everjump skipping rope burns 500 calories. Ball sports pose a few challenges: you have to get there and get up and rely on others. If you can't get a big enough team together, it can dampen the fun of training. With the Everjump skipping rope, you decide who is part of the training - you can decide every day whether you want to swing the rope alone or with others.
5. Everjump alternative: yoga or Pilates
Sport is not always about flexing your muscles. Many people choose yoga or Pilates to switch off from everyday life. The gentle movements can actually help you relax, but you only burn 140 calories. Skipping rope is much more intense, but it can also clear your head. While you concentrate on the sequence of steps and work on your speed, you forget everything around you - now all that counts is the chemistry between you and your rope. Positive side effects: You burn significantly more calories in 30 minutes and increase your strength and endurance.
6. Everjump alternative: Hula hoop
Long dismissed as a children's toy, the hula hoop is now making a comeback. Training with the hoop has several advantages: you only need one piece of training equipment and you can get started right away. You are also not dependent on others and can swing the hoop in your own home. Hula hooping is a sweaty activity, but despite the considerable effort involved, it only burns 184 calories in 30 minutes. Anyone who uses the hoop without experience must be prepared for a fairly extensive training period. Swinging the hoop effectively without any knowledge is almost impossible. Things are different with Everjump's jump ropes. There are special sets for beginners. The light ropes can be swung effortlessly - you don't need any previous knowledge.
The best Everjump alternative is no alternative
Everjump challenges you, motivates you, changes your body and adapts to your everyday life like no other training device. For us, one thing is clear: no Everjump alternative offers as many advantages as training with Everjump itself. If you choose our products, you will get the flexibility and success that motivate you to keep going. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or have already done other sports before: Everjump will meet your training level. With our differently weighted skipping ropes, you can declare war on excess kilos, build muscle in a targeted manner or work on your endurance. Would you like to switch between ropes during training? No problem: just connect another rope to the handles. By only using the handles once, we are making our contribution to sustainability and you save space. Would you like Everjump to contribute to your sporting success? Then find out more about our products in our shop now.